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This 64-page scrapbook was created by Marian Anderson, who served as the scholarship chairman for Kappa Kappa Gamma. The scrapbook primarily contains her handwritten notes on the academic, chapter, social, and employment records of Kappas who were considered for receiving undergraduate and emergency scholarship awards from Kappa Kappa Gamma from 1945 to 1948. There are black and white portrait photographs of many of the Kappas featured, some of which were also published in The Key, as well as clippings describing their accomplishments. The scrapbook features a tooled, brown leather cover decorated with a stylized blue, white, and brown circular image of the United States Capitol Building, with a fleet of planes in the background. It is bound with string and shows signs of water damage, which on some pages is severe.
Committee ChairmenEmergency ScholarshipsHonor SocietiesHonors and AwardsHonors SocietiesPortraitsScholarship CommitteeScholarshipsThe Key PublicationUndergraduate ScholarshipsUnited States Capitol