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1938 (4)
1947 (4)
1948 (8)
1949 (2)
1950 (1)
1951 (3)
1952 (1)
1956 (2)
1958 (4)
1959 (4)
1960 (3)
Chapter Housing (17)
Housing (17)
Real Estate (14)
National Conventions (10)
Chapter Installations (9)
Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Extension (6)
Chapter Petitions (5)
Alumnae Delegates (3)
Convention Delegates (3)
Convention Planning (3)
Convention Travel (3)
Chapter Delegates (2)
Convention Visitors (2)
Fraternity Council (2)
House Boards (2)
House Corporations (2)
Lists (2)
Alumnae (1)
Alumnae Activities (1)
Alumnae Association Delegates (1)
Alumnae Associations (1)
Alumnae Events (1)
Arriving At Convention (1)
Associate Council (1)
Authors (1)
Children (1)
Colonization (1)
Convention Committees (1)
Convention Programs (1)
Convention Registration (1)
Convention Schedules (1)
Council Assistants (1)
Council Officers (1)
Finances (1)
Fraternity Officers (1)
Habiteers (1)
Headquarters Staff (1)
Hearthstone (1)
Hearthstone Fund (1)
Kappa Authors (1)
Kappa Kampships (1)
Philanthropy (1)
Province Delegates (1)
Province Directors Of Alumnae (1)
Rose Mcgill Fund (1)
State Days (1)
The Fleur-de-lis Publication (1)
The Hoot Publication (1)
The Hoot Staff (1)
Travel (1)
Georg, Mrs. Emil (36)
Pierce, Clara Owen (10)
Wells, Jean Cathlean Hess (10)
Roth, Florence Edna Burton (9)
Shryock, Rheva Luzetta Ott (9)
Alexander, Frances Elizabeth Fatout (8)
Crabtree, Edith Eudora Reese (8)
Anderson, Marian Sue Handy (7)
Schofield, Elizabeth Thomson Bogert (7)
Whitney, Mary Fuqua Turner (7)
Campbell, Eleanore Frances Goodridge (6)
Mcmillan, Mrs. Garnett (6)
Rece, E. H. (6)
Barbeck, Louise Little (5)
Beroth, Janet M. (5)
Buehler, Elizabeth Curtis (5)
Locke, Miriam Austin (5)
Seacrest, Ruth Kadel (5)
White, Mrs. Robert (5)
Bales, Alba (4)
Boland, Mrs. Kells (4)
Bower, Helen Carolyn (4)
Burt, Della Margaret Lawrence (4)
Butler, Mrs. Donald (4)
Cassill, Mrs. Scott (4)
Chastang, Mrs. Charles J. (4)
Chickering, Mary Jim Lane (4)
Park, Mrs. James (4)
Roberts, Mrs. William B. (4)
Ryder, Sarah Ann (4)
Simmons, Isabel Hatton (4)
Westermann, May Cynthia Whiting (4)
Woodman, Beatrice Stanton (4)
Allan, Lucy Evelyn Wight (3)
Amend, Mrs. Ralph (3)
Anderson, Mrs. John C. (3)
Andres, Mrs. Eugen (3)
Autry, Virginia Lee Merritt (3)
Baughman, Iris (3)
Bok, Nellie-lee Holt (3)
Brown, Mrs. Willard (3)
Browne, Harriet Guyon French (3)
Bryan, Judith Drayton Mayers (3)
Burns, Mrs. Robert (3)
Canady, Mrs. Earl L. (3)
Cassill, Dorothy Sebree (3)
Chapeau, Mrs. Armand (3)
Chastang, Ruth Evelyn Bullock (3)
Chickering, Mrs. Edwin S. (3)
Coe, Mrs. Donald (3)
Converse, Mrs. Wiles E. (3)
Copeland, Mrs. Gordon W. (3)
Cox, Mrs. L. E. (3)
Dinan, Alice Pearl (3)
Ewing, Mrs. Frank (3)
Fuller, Charlotte Joyce Thomas (3)
Keys, Mrs. Mott (3)
Kinsloe, Helen Lambert (3)
Lonsford, Mrs. Graydon (3)
Macnaughton, Marie Bryden (3)
Morningstar, Anna Pauline Scott (3)
Rustemeyer, Mrs. Joseph H. (3)
Schmitz, Mrs. Herbert D. (3)
Schultz, Mrs. Willard (3)
Shelton, Jane Mcgavran (3)
Stenhouse, Mrs. George (3)
Thomas, Joyce (3)
Wheeler, Cleora (3)
Adams, Mrs. John Quincy (2)
Agee, Grace Sanderson (2)
Agee, Mrs. Joe (2)
Aiken, Mrs. James W. (2)
Alexander, Nora L. Huber (2)
Andres, Eugene C. (2)
Anthony, Jane Dettinger (2)
Austin, Helen Horace (2)
Barlow, Jackie (2)
Barrett, Helen Louise Hanson (2)
Barrett, Mrs. Fred (2)
Barton, Linda Roma Royce (2)
Beasley, Shirley Kathryn Hawkins (2)
Beidler, Mrs. Edward (2)
Beidler, Mrs. Edward A. (2)
Beidler, Mrs. Ivabel Burnside (2)
Bennett, Betsy Bruce (2)
Bergman, Jean Delany Fisher (2)
Blanchard, Mrs. Paul K. (2)
Blanchard, Virginia Parker (2)
Boland, Mrs. F. K. (2)
Boland, Mrs. Kels (2)
Booth, Mrs. I. Jay (2)
Boyer, Nan Justine Kretschmer (2)
Bozarth, Mrs. Walter (2)
Breithaupt, Antoinette Clemens (2)
Brokaw, Doris Buchel Kirkham (2)
Brown, Catharine Metzler (2)
Brown, Mrs. Royer K. (2)
Bruce, Mrs. John (2)
Bullis, Betty Ann Firebaugh (2)
Bunting, Margaret Ellen Thompson (2)
Butler, L. Jane Price (2)
Byrne, Mrs. Thad (2)
Cameron, Ruth Christin Mcgillivray (2)
Campbell, Jeannette F. Farwell (2)
Carter, Dorothy Louise Lemaster (2)
Carter, Virginia S. Birmingham (2)
Case, Mary Gertrude Parker (2)
Cashman, Judith Ann Lennon (2)
Cassill, Mrs. Scott K. (2)
Chandler, Angelyn Adams Sanders (2)
Chapeau, Mrs. A. C. (2)
Chitwood, Virginia Dabney (2)
Clark, Ella Powers Brewer (2)
Clark, Mrs. Ella B. (2)
Converse, Marjorie Mildred Matson (2)
Copeland, Carolyn Ann Varin (2)
Cox, Martha May Galleher (2)
Coyne, Dorris Goodall Fish (2)
Craven, Martha Louise Kindel (2)
Crump, Flora Henry Stratton (2)
Cunningham, Barbara Virginia Lynch (2)
Daiger, Katharine Shirley (2)
Davis, Mrs. Alfred (2)
Dignan, Kathleen Bredin (2)
Dorris, Juanita Louise Fincke (2)
Drummond, Peggy (2)
Dudley, Mary Millicent Hill (2)
Dunn, Sarah Dena Shelby (2)
Dupuis, Elizabeth Mary Ballard (2)
Eberspacher, Mrs. Edward C. (2)
Egerton, Mrs. Courtney D. (2)
Eilers, Rhoda Maxine Dutton (2)
Erickson, Mrs. John (2)
Esmiol, Mrs. Morris (2)
Evans, Bruce Adele Peppler (2)
Evans, Frances Vivian Davis (2)
Everitt, Katherine Ball (2)
Fishbaugh, Hortense E. Darby (2)
Flatt, Martha Theresa Hetterich (2)
Forman, Agnes M. (2)
Fox, Florence M. Hastings (2)
Frandsen, Ruth H. Gmeiner (2)
Friedrichs, Mrs. Hugo (2)
Fyler, Dorothy Elizabeth Calvert (2)
Galbraith, Nettie May (2)
Gauss, Mrs. John (2)
George, Mrs. Robert (2)
George, Mrs. Robert L. (2)
Giles, Nancy Jane Lipman (2)
Gillander, Marie Pelgrim (2)
Godwin, Mrs. Dean E. (2)
Gohn, Eleanor Acker (2)
Gould, Jane Pollard (2)
Gould, Jeanette C. Olson (2)
Gould, Mrs. Harlan (2)
Graff, Margaret Eleanor Huffman (2)
Gundry, Joan Laidlaw Stephens (2)
Hamilton, Ardis North (2)
Hamilton, Mrs. Howard (2)
Hamilton, Mrs. Howard L. (2)
Hand, Betty Marise Owen (2)
Hardy, Eleanor Louise Kincaid (2)
Harris, Mrs. Thomas (2)
Harris, Ruth Armstrong (2)
Harrison, Mrs. Hatley N. (2)
Harter, Anne Ross (2)
Harvey, Mrs. John (2)
Hatton, Mary Lucille Hardiman (2)
Hawkins, Ruth Ella Eilber (2)
Heepe, Barbara Mcconnell Shank (2)
Henry, Ruth Margaret Frisby (2)
Herbert, Mrs. James K. (2)
Herrel, Mrs. Michael F. (2)
Hodgdon, Alice Charlotte Boyd (2)
Holzapfel, Barbara Nichols (2)
Hostetler, Alice Marie Watts (2)
Hosto, Mary Katherine Ives (2)
Howard, Mrs. Harrison (2)
Hoyt, Mrs. Harry R. (2)
Humphrey, Dorothea Lyndell Griffith (2)
Hunt, Elizabeth Skillman (2)
Huston, Laura Jane Lattner (2)
Hutchinson, Mrs. Robert (2)
Jacobsen, Rosebud Marshall (2)
Johnson, Gertrude Louise Ivey (2)
Johnson, Marolyn Mackemer (2)
Johnson, Mrs. Sydney Lee (2)
Kammer, Mrs. Nolan (2)
Kassor, Mrs. Otto (2)
Keener, Louise (2)
Keleher, Margaret Anne Wills (2)
Kennedy, Martha Combs (2)
Kettlekamp, Helen Stuart Purvines (2)
Keys, Dorothy Hensley (2)
Kingdon, Marie Ella (2)
Knox, Helen (2)
Knox, Mrs. William Hamilton (2)
Kokko, Nancy Carolyn Radford (2)
Kurtz, Virginia Hoyt (2)
Lane, Ruth Elizabeth Hoehle (2)
Lilljeberg, Leonna Dorlac (2)
Lindsley, Mary Grace Gillespie (2)
Lowitz, Mrs. John (2)
Luther, Lois Helen (2)
Mallatratt, Jean Winifred Ingalls (2)
Mann, Mrs. James E. (2)
Martin, Alida A. (2)
Martin, Mrs. Walter (2)
Martin, Walter (2)
Matthews, Dana Jean Coleman (2)
Maxwell, Mrs. Victor (2)
Mayer, Jeanne Siegfried (2)
Mccain, Mrs. H. King (2)
Mccue, Miriam E. Crowley (2)
Mclaughlin, Laura M. Coe (2)
Mcnaboe, Almira Catharine Johnson (2)
Mears, Jean Alice Kronenberg (2)
Meeker, Margaret Louise Easton (2)
Meskill, Mrs. William J. (2)
Mettler, Sarah Jean Vierck (2)
Meyers, Jean E. Olson (2)
Miller, Emma Jane Hosmer (2)
Moore, Mrs. John F. (2)
Morgan, Mrs. Morris (2)
Moseley, Mrs. Robert (2)
Mulder, Mrs. Howard (2)
Murray, Julia Elizabeth Prentice (2)
Myler, Nancy Read (2)
Neely, Mrs. Marvin Y. (2)
Neill, Laure Kathryn Campbell (2)
Nichols, Mrs. James R. (2)
Nitschke, Sally Lou Moore (2)
Parrish, Alice Parker (2)
Pearse, Katheryn Bourne (2)
Pennell, Katharine Wade (2)
Pennell, Mrs. William (2)
Pfister, Florence Elizabeth Wright (2)
Pierce, Berniece Brook Whittlesey (2)
Pitman, Alice M. Mcshane (2)
Read, Margaret W. (2)
Rece, Dean (2)
Richards, Margaret A. Bawlf (2)
Rikkers, Jane Charlotte Tallmadge (2)
Root, Mrs. Robert (2)
Rusk, Nina (2)
Russell, Leonore Alysse Upham (2)
Rutherford, Mrs. George Herdman (2)
Sanders, Marjorie Marchal (2)
Sayre, Mrs. Edwin D. (2)
Scheleen, Alice Devol Phillips (2)
Atlanta, Georgia (8)
Coronado Beach, California (3)
Hot Springs, Virginia (3)
Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania (2)
Athens, Georgia (1)
Delta Upsilon (18)
Epsilon Epsilon (8)
Beta Iota (1)
Delta (1)
Emory University (2)
Letter (14)
List (7)
Report (6)
Program (5)
Certificate (1)
Form (1)
Newsletter (1)
Schedule (1)