The Beta Beta chapter sends a printed form letter circular to all the chapters to explain their May 30, 1898 telegram. The previous day's telegram asked the chapters to postpone voting on the Beta Beta chapter charter withdrawal. This letter details Beta Beta's communications with Grand President Bertha Richmond, Key Editor Mary Hull, and Grand Secretary Carla Sargent. Beta Beta defends St. Lawrence University's standing, as that is the alleged reason for the withdrawal vote. The letter points out that their chapter was originally the Browning Society, was invited into Kappa, and the fraternity adopted many of its rituals and ways. The Beta Beta chapter has been in existence for eighteen years at this time. Beta Beta chapter bemoans the proposition to revoke their charter without notice, without a complaint against them, and without a chance to defend, using this letter as defense, asking chapters to vote against the measure. Related materials are available in the collection, including a Beta Beta chapter pamphlet.
May 31st, 1898