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DeWall, Diane Barclay Prettyman
The Key Publication
Beaton, BillBlack, Suzanne Catherine SchollBroderick, Mrs. RaymondCacheris, Helen Metaxa JaffursCarroll, Mrs. Clifford H.Dohrman, Elizabeth Ann BellDoll, Mary Stanton WillisFowler, June Evelyn GuoynesHarrigan, Judith Marie FowlerMarfizo, Helen Jane DoughertyMcRoberts, Marlie Madison RichardsSanders, Dorothy Jeanne VanZantSeeds, Marguerite MorairtyShafer, Jane Harris DaviesSheehy, Ann Therese DornsbachSmith, AllisonSmith, Ann RichSpingler, Molly Susan RollerSpingler, SuzanneTyson, Carol Helen McIntyreWitherspoon, Gay Ann Harrison
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Allegheny CollegeArizona State UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityCollege of William and MaryColorado CollegePennsylvania State UniversitySouthern Methodist UniversityUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of MissouriUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of TexasUniversity of Wisconsin
1960s20th Century