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This article includes a photograph of Judith Benoist, and a photograph of Allene Waggener. It also includes exterior photographs of various Antebellum homes.
Feb 1940
Favrot, Agnes M. GuthriePierce, Clara Owen
Antebellum ArchitectureArchitectureFancy DressesHistoric HousesSouthern KappasSouthern United States CultureThe Key Publication
Brod, Agnes MetcalfeBrod, Mrs. John S.Burt, Della Margaret LawrenceGunning, Andrew T.Gunning, Andrew ThompsonHarris, Virginia RodeferHarris, Virginia RodeferHolmes, Mary Jane DavisJohansson, Jennie Allene WaggenerKuehnle, Julia Harned BenoistKuehnle, Julia Harned BenoistMarsh, Mrs. JamesMetcalfe, OrenRumble, RebeccaWilliams, Louise MetcalfeWilliams, Mrs. Albert D.Willman, Mary Ruth DornbushWood, Mrs. Lee R.
Beta IotaBeta NuBeta OmicronBeta XiDeltaDelta EpsilonDelta Iota
Indiana UniversityLouisiana State UniversityOhio State UniversityRollins CollegeSwarthmore CollegeTulane UniversityUniversity of Texas
Natchez, Mississippi
1940s20th Century