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Apr 1901
The Key Publication
Adney, Verna Meade RicheyBarr, Gertrude Powell GriscomBurruss, MarionCoss, Millicent MayCrooks, Emily May JenkinsEmery, Jane Irwin GlennEmlaw, Martha LouiseGladden, Harriet RowleyGraupner, Anabel Elise WenzelburgerGridley, Kate LouiseMagie, Mary Lucile CheeverMcClintock, Marguerite B.McCoy, Esther Sara BechtelNorton, Mary Elizabeth PrestonReid, Florence SeerleyRowell, Grace Ethel JeffersonSatterthwaite, Inez Helen LordScattergood, Mary R.Smiley, Grace Ethel ShumanTaylor, Eva DoyleThompson, Elizabeth IlsleyTwombley, Helen M.Vanness, Mary Lucy ProbascoWalton, Marjorie GravesWhite, Caroline Lee ArmsbyWhiting, Mabel Denison BaldwinYoung, Carrie V.
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Adrian CollegeAllegheny CollegeBarnard CollegeButler UniversityCollege of WoosterCornell UniversityDePauw UniversityHillsdale CollegeIndiana UniversityNorthwestern UniversityOhio State UniversityStanford UniversitySwarthmore CollegeSyracuse UniversityUniversity of AkronUniversity of California, BerkeleyUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of IowaUniversity of KansasUniversity of MichiganUniversity of MissouriUniversity of NebraskaUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Wisconsin
1900s20th Century