The first ladies section features women who are outstanding in their field, or have received significant honors for their life or work. Betty Pritchard Dunn and Jean Mason Guy, who are the wives of Tennessee Governor Winfield C. Dunn and North Dakota Governor William Guy respectively have both used their position to make the governor's house a home, promote philanthropy, and advise their husbands. Ludy Guild Toberman won this year's Community Service Award of the University of California at Los Angeles Alumni Association. Mary Brownlee was named the First Lady of 1971 by Beta Sigma Pi. Lenore Alice Sheridan is a clinical instructor in medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Elsie Hayward Fanjul was honored by the Northern Monmouth County Branch of the American Association of University Women. Willia Mae Robinson Wright was recently included in the first edition of The Writers Dictionary 1971-73. She has written extensively in the field of speech and hearing, learning disabilities, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy. Jean Chambers Thwaite is The Atlanta Constitution's new food editor.